Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cycling Problems

Hello Again,

How are you? How has your week been, How Crazy is it, Its almost Friday! 

So as you know Im at university, and I live 40 Minute walk away from campus. I used to take the bus last year but it has gone up to £1.60 a day, which is £8.00 a week so I decided Id ride because It only takes 20 Minutes and the bus takes about that any way with all the stops. 

So thats all good and well and I have my Boyfeee's Nan's bike and I love it. I have rode it quite a lot but always feel like I have to wear jeans and don't feel like I can wear my usual stuff so I did some research and got some street style images! 

So from these Images it has made me realise I should just go for it! and thats what I am going to do, I'll post later my outfit I wore to uni today on my bike.

If you have seen other blog posts like this or seen any advice if you know the link could you leave a comment of it? that would be great help! 

Hope this helped 

Love Jade.

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