Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Morning Vibes


It is currently 9:25am on a Sunday Morning, I have been up and out the house since half seven this morning, I can hear your gasps from here.

I have an app on my phone called Sunrise & Set, it was free, and is wonderful. I love sunrises more than sunsets, I don't no why  this could be as I'm not that much of an early bird! 

But this morning I got up and ventured out to catch the sunrise over Gylly Beach in Falmouth, Cornwall

It was very beautiful even though it was cloudy, Im defiantly going to make the effort again! 

I picked this up from Friday, I am considering giving some of them  a try has any one else done anything similar? 

Are they crazy??!

It was a lovely way to start the day I feel refreshed and positive for the last eight days before two massive hand ins.

My To do List! Bring it on!
As you can see I have a lot of work to be getting done over the next eight days, so please bare with me and the blog as I will be a very busy bee!

Thank You for sticking by me, and I am looking forward to writing again as soon as possible.

Hope you have a great Sunday! 

Love Jade .x.

Friday, January 23, 2015



This is a very quick update while trying some new tea!

So recently stress levels have gone through the roof, with work load and missing home.
Since the beginning of term I have been struggling with my sleeping pattern how ever hard I try I can't nod of before 2am, and then I am up at 7pm. Which considering thats only 5 hours I am not finding it a struggle in the morning but I am feeling emotionally drained which isn't a feeling I've had for this long before so that is annoying.

I am going to be trying these over the next few day.

Pomegranate tea first! 
So as you can see from my eye brows I didn't like this one at all!
 Ive spoken to people and every one I have spoke to have said it takes some time to get used to it. But I love pomegranate and it tastes nothing like it so we will just have to see how this all  goes but right now I don't think this is going to work for me.

Jumper - Primark
Shirt - Zara
Jeans - Zara
Hope you enjoyed this quick update and I am looking forward to writting a proper post tomorrow whilst drinking some proper Tea! 

Love Jade .x.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wish List Wednesday.


I have been having shoe problems at the moment but am very fussy with shoes, I want and need a new pair as all of mine have lost their grips on the bottom, which means I keep falling over

So today I am going on a shoe hunt and going to share with you my wish list!

First pair are from Zara, I am loving the tiny cut out detail, but feel its not too cut out like most of the other ones, I am loving Zara right now and currently having to keep crossing the internet tab as the basket is getting full! 

These are £69.99 

My next pair is very practical, but I love practical more than any one, whats worst then wet feet?? and being down in cornwall, I am always walking around with wet feet. I have another pair of Hunters that I swear by, they might seam a lot of money but are so worth it. So your probably questioning why I don't wear my other ones, I do all the time, but they are long ones and for uni they just look and feel so bulky when in studios. Perfect answer this tiny cute ones, Patent Black, Quite boring compared to the other colours on offer but I already own purple ones so a simple pair would be lovely! 

These come in at £80

Final pair are not as practical but are stunning, I would love to say I would wear these but probably wouldn't get as much wear as the other two but I love them and couldn't not feature them on this post. They are from Miss Selfridges and are gorgeous, heel height 3.5 Inches. I love the zip and buckle detail with the chunky heel! 

These are £45 originally now £31.50

What boots are you all loving at the moment? 

Would love to see your wish lists 

Love Jade .x.

P.s Just seen this didn't go up yesterday (Wednesday) My schedule things seams to not be working so sorry on the delay and that wish list Wednesday is happening on Thursday.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Liebster Award


So this evening at 8:30pm I recieved one of my best Instagram posts to date and I'm so Thankful! Can not believe I am writting this post, Im gob smacked :D 

Thank you so much Hayley for my nomination. I have loved reading through your blog, I think you should all take some time out and have a look at her amazing blog! 

The Liebster award is for newbie bloggers, like myself, with under 200 followers. The aim is to help them receive more recognition. Which is great! 


1. Link the person who has nominated you 
2. Answer the questions provided by your nominator
3. Nominate 11 other blogs
4. Create your 11 questions for your nominee's to answer
5. Notify all the nominees via social media


1. Favourite item of clothing?
Probably my new Ted Baker Jumper, Im a Lover for knitwear and have a soft spot for Ted Baker

2. What's the one tune you like to sing your heart out to in the shower?
Frozen Let it Go!! Thank you Hayley for making me admit this! 

3. Who inspires you the most in your day to day life?
Probably Jack, He has worked so hard to get where he is today and I am so proud of him! 

4. Favourite makeup look?
100% Natural Makeup.

5. Which season do you enjoy the most, fashion wise?
Winter as love layers and knitwear! 

6. What is your 'go too' look?
Shift Dresses, I find them so flattering and comfortable

7. What inspired you to start blogging?
Reading everyone else's blogs, and to keep connected to friends near and far!

8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Living in my own house with my dream job, married, with a pug, and children! 

9. What is your favourite comfort food?
Chocolate and Cheese Cake! 

10. Nude or Red lip?
I love red lip but feel I go nude a lot more often.

11. Favourite TV series/programme? 
Another sad answer Hollyoaks, Im 100% addicted! 


1. What inspired you to start blogging? 
2. Tea? Coffee? Hot Chocolate?
3. Favourite fashion trend? 
4. One Item you couldn't live with out? 
5. Favourite Movie?
6. Most memorable day of your life so far?
7. Sweet or Savoury?
8. Dream Holiday collection?
9. First thing you do when you wake up?
10. Favourite season? 
11. One beauty product you can't live with out? 


Thank you again Hayley for my nomination! 

Have fun answering my questions, Can't wait to read all you answers! 

Love Jade .x.

Kick January Blues Butt!


So I know that is is the 19th today which means we all only have 12 days left of this month, But this year January Blues have hit me really hard! Ive never had this feeling or ever complained in January, I usually love it because I have always felt New Year, New Me, Cliché or what haha! But I mean it in the sense of new diary, new calendar, new memories, but this year I just not feeling it at all!

So I took it upon myself to Urban Dictionary it, to really understand, and its exactly what I thought So I am going to give 7 tips on how to beat the January Blues!

1. TRY SOMETHING NEW - I mean try anything, something you don't usually do. 

So I am going to start drinking green tea as I've never really tried it and could be quite good for me! Im also been taking time out to blog which has lifted my mood a lot and Im defiantly going to keep going with it!

2. COMMUNICATE MORE - Have chats with family or friends.

I feel this could really help as you will get lost in quick convocations and forget all about everything else, and if they are feeling the same you could share tips of what they have been trying to do to lift there moods. 

3. ORGANISE - New Year, Grab your Planner and manage your week.

Not only is this a great way to see what you have left to do for the week but you also can give your self realistic goals to make sure you reach so your weeks fly past as you are constantly busy, Make sure you timetable in some you time!

4. BE CREATIVE - I don't mean just arty stuff, make everyday chores more creative.

Be creative with your dinners, don't just dish up do something interesting with it and Pinterest is always great for inspirations, If your busy like me maybe put aside an hour a week to do something creative.

5. DRINK MORE TEA - Always lifts my mood.

I LOVE Tea so this is a great step to help with all the cold weather! 

6. LONG HOT BATHS - Bath and reading favourite blogs. 

When I feel the January Blues really kicking and I have done all of the above I would usually just take time out and have a bath with my iPad and go through Bloglovin and catch up on blogs. This one really works for me because I just forget everything else thats going on.

7. WALKS - Wrap up and make the most of the crisp walks! 

Cold walks aren't as bad as they sound, wrap up with hat, scarf and gloves and go and explore! I love walking and I find myself at the moment saying I'm to busy to go for a walk, but even a ten minute one is good, Fresh air really helps my mood, even if I just open my window I feel it really lifts my mood.

I really hope this post has helped and you are looking forward to trying a few of these! I can't wait to see if I see a change in my mood! Id love to know your tips and if these helped at all! 

Your the most important person so start making yourself happy! 

Love Jade .x.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

My First Time


So by the title of this post it could be a little rude but it is defiantly not!

Hope you enjoy getting to know me better, the blogs I read with this on really makes me feel like I am connected to the reader. 

So here goes nothing 

FIRST tweet?
So with only 1,089 tweets it shouldn't be hard to scroll back? Its going to be something really lame!
 · 21 May 2013What to have for dinner ..

Knew it would be lame.

FIRST Facebook profile pic?
I don't no if you seen but this is a current thing on Facebook, So I already know its not a good one! 

Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
No Chance!

What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?
Was probably a WKD or Smirnoff Ice at the age of 18, Still don't really like the taste of anything now, not a big drinker at all. 

What was your FIRST job?
Was down a woodyard where my dad worked! I worked every sunday ten till four for about three years then moved to Cornwall for my  Degree and my little brother took over, I still do cover there sometimes.

What was your FIRST car?
Haven't had one yet. 

Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
Haven't text anyone yet today, but spoke to Jack on the phone! 

Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
JACK!! <3

Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
The earliest teacher I can remember is Mr Studley, he was my Year R teacher and was the best teacher ever! 

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
Spain as a new born but after that when I was old enough to understand was Cyprus!

Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
Probably Laura or Natasha who lived by, And no we don't :/

Where was your FIRST sleep over?
I'm sure that was at Laura's, I used to love sleep overs at hers!

What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Think it was call Jack, its always to do with my phone! 

What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Busted! and yes I'm not ashamed was the best thing ever! 

FIRST broken bone?
I cracked my head just above my eyebrow, Don't no if this counts? If not would have been my ankle whilst playing football.

FIRST piercing?
My first earrings Im sure I got them done young so didn't know the pain.

FIRST foreign country you’ve gone to?
Spain/ France

FIRST movie you remember seeing?
The Never Ending Story, whilst I was ill when younger mum bought it home, can remember it being the best film ever! 

When was your FIRST detention?
Never had one!

Who was your FIRST roommate?
My older sister! we had a bright green room with bunk beds!

If you had one wish, what would it be?
To have a Pug!

What was the FIRST sport you were involved in?
Probably football with older brother.

What is the FIRST thing you do when you get home?
Hair goes up, Bra comes off, pjs go on! 

When was your FIRST kiss?
Probably playing kiss chase but only a peck, first proper kiss probably when I was 15 going on 16.

Hope you enjoyed this! I don't know why the wish question has been thrown in there but oh well. 

Id love to read some more of these so would be great if you leave a link to your blog post if you do one! 

Jade .x.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Room Changes


So you may or may not know that I love a change! I love to rearrange my room so much, I love the space to feel different specially away at University as I spend a lot of time in here working!

So when Jack and I first moved me in we thought this would be the best way to have it laid out so we unpacked and built all the furniture!

This way I really liked but I missed the wall space above my desk so there I went again moving it around this time on my own which wasn't too much of a problem as wasn't plaining on moving much!

Here is my outcome, sorry its the only picture I have of it, sorry about the messy bed haha! 

So here is how my room is now, I am planning on leaving it like this till the end of my course as it is the best way for room. 

My beautiful Ted Baker Make up Bag, Courtesy of Jack, And a Vanilla smelling stick!

So Ive moved my bed so I have a lot more room on my floor for Pattern Cutting.

These Pictures were taken before doing work, I like to leave my phone away from me so I don't waist time on it.

So here is my mirror, and Collection rail.

Gave you a little peek into my collection! I love my desk with the bright light from Ikea I am always up late working! 
 I love my room and workspace.

Id love to see your rooms, Do you ever just change your room around as bored?

Sorry for a heavy picture post! I love scrolling through photos so hope you do too!
Love Jade.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Teaching My Sister to Knit


So every time I get the chance or a free couple of days I like to make the most of it and visit loved ones back home, Yes that is proving difficult this year because I am a lot busier and spending a lot more money on my final collection but I still try my hardest! 

The women of our family love a good cuppa in lovely local coffee shops, We have a costa in town but prefer the family run, cute, little ones, it also means you get more for your money and investing back into the town.

Oh I forgot to mention we usually go around 1 O'Clock so before I don't fancy lunch as I normally eat then, but the walk into town always makes me want a cake, and nearly always we all have a slice of something. 

So one day we was disguising my future and how I love knitting, I could of even been knitting in the coffee shop, as that has happened more than once. 

My sister said she fancied it, probably not realising that I would go through with my word and teach her! So from coffee that day we went on to buy knitting needles and a chunky yarn each to knit a simple scarf!

So as a knitter could see, She had no idea how to hold the needles at first! Haha

Nicola picked it up very quick hers was the cream one, We sat for hours chatting over knit it was a lovely way to spend and make time for each other.

Our First Scarf! Haha

Yay, We both finished our scarfs, we knitting along side each other and was great as both finished same time. We both really loved this project.

Maybe next time I will teach her to make a jumper? Maybe if we start now we could knit a Christmas jumper!

So I would love to start a knitting club, I have seen a club in Falmouth Town its in a little tea room, And advertises Knitting Club, From 2pm every Tuesday and Thursday?  See Id love to go and think I'd really enjoy it but will I be the youngest and are ones like that any good?

Thank you for reading!

Love Jade .x.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Big Change


During the summer my Family and I received some very heart breaking news. Im not going to post about it online as the people involved might not want that but this very bad time inspired me to do better for others.

I went for a dramatic change,
Well for me at the time it was a big step but I am so glad I did it.



I sent my hair off to The Little Princess Trust! The thought of my hair being used to make a little girls life easier to deal with is a big deal for me as I couldn't imagine what it would be like to go through the normal issues with school let alone with this on top of all the other minor girl issues.

I would recommend any one with long hair to do this. It is such a good cause and really what do you need all that hair for?

Sharing Is Caring!

Love Jade .x.